
What is a Trauma Response and Did Will Smith Have One?

Will Smith, did he have a trauma response? What are they are, how do they happen and how do they…

3 years ago

Podcasters Should Take THIS from Audacity’s Privacy Drama

These days cyber attacks are something we should all keep in mind as a possibility moving forward, so lets use…

4 years ago

Escape from Oregon 2019: My DIY RV Studio Setting up a studio in new state had NOT been a part of my plan. Recently I launched a…

4 years ago

Online Events Made Easy: A workshop and Interview with Super Joe Pardo

Have you ever wanted to put on an amazing online event? Online events are a solid way to grow your…

5 years ago

Getting into Media: Press Kits, Releases and Media Strategies

Why I learned Media Plans Were So Important Before I ever began podcasting, even before I began performing solo shows,…

5 years ago

Live Streaming to Win By Nailing Your Interface Set Up

Live streaming can get you path to new audiences and dialing in your audio is key to helping you keep…

5 years ago

Live Streaming Basics

When Quarantine began the #1 question I got hit with the most was the Who, What, What, Where and Why…

5 years ago

Launching Your Podcast: A Workshop

If you're clicking on this link, you are probably one of the hundreds of people that have been pod curious…

5 years ago

Free and low cost workshop

Free and low cost workshops for spring!

5 years ago

One year Solo: Déjà vu and Nostalgia on a year

Déjà vu and Nostalgia are close cousins. Sometimes time during seasons can blur in such a way that it’s hard…

5 years ago