Categories: BlogThe InTips

Lets Talk Content: PT 1

Lets talk Content

As an audio producer, editing is far from the only part that matters. If we aren’t looking at what we’re making intentionally, even great audio can lose a listener.

Yesterday I spent my day working on my podcast, Grittybirds, which has been hiatus while I was focused on launching the company side of my life as a podcast editor and producer.

My show is a little different than some. While it is developed from interviews, it’s also narrative and works best in seasons. Looking at how I want to put it out, I’m spending a lot of time thinking about a few different things and it’s a perfect time to share some thoughts over the next weeks on creating great content.

What do you want to say?

First, you can say anything you want. I mean anything. I can’t promise people will listen, but you can do whatever you want.

But in content creation, really taking a minute to know what your core story is and building around it is really important.

We’re talking episode archs. One thing I appreciate about my show is that there is no rule that says that you need to release your episodes from those guests in the order you recorded it.

Say for example you are a comedy show and your topic is wine and the Bachelorette(ps this is a shoutout to a couple different friends who have some great shows in this realm).

What if for the month, you threw in a segment about wines from certain regions the tv show favs are from? And then, match them with guests from those places who have opinions! You could then use those interviews as the show favs have big moments, while adding your own personal commentary to the intro and outro to keep it fresh.

How fun would that be? Plus it’s built in content for your ‘gram and more. At the end you could ask people listening is to give their favorite wine picks in a march madness style game.

Like I mentioned before, you can say anything. But setting it up in a thought out month-long concept lets you dig and create a conversation with the people who are in the show.

Someone once told me that storytelling is about shining a light to guide your listeners to the next part.

That’s what this is. You’re capturing the strength of content in whatever your niche is, to keep the conversation with your listeners going.

Check out my youtube video from the FB live the other day!

Jeni Wren Stottrup

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