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Rest in Peace Prince

There are few icons that have inspired so much laud as Prince and deservedly

Just watch this Hall of Fame performance of Guitar Gently Weeps.  The way he takes over and completely destroys, is one of my favorite live videos of all time.

The artist has a special place in Portland hearts, as he brought Liv Warfield to national attention while also taking Ashley Jay and Saeeda Wright into his band family.

Ashley Jayy just posted a response: “My am deeply saddened by the news I received this morning…. Thank you for all of those who called and checked on me. My heart aches, but I have been blessed to be a part of an Icons journey… It has been an extreme pleasure of singing with the incomparable Prince, and my heart goes out to everyone who has been touched by his music all around the world, people who has been inspired by the legacy of his music, family and loved ones… I am beyond blessed… Rest in Peace… Rest In Love, and Rest in Purple!!????”

Watch him shred, making mince meat of the other greats.  It gets too after the 3 minute mark.

Jeni Wren Stottrup

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